Arbitration Act NotesDe Facto May 31, 20241 min readUpdated: Jun 14, 2024Arbitration Act NotesChapter 1: Arbitration AgreementEssential Elements of Arbitration AgreementForms of Arbitration AgreementTypes of Arbitration AgreementThird Parties to Arbitration AgreementChapter 2: Establishment of Arbitral TribunalAppointment of ArbitratorsDisclosures, Challenges, and IneligibilityChapter 3: Jurisdiction of the Arbitral TribunalCompetence-CompetenceChapter 4: Laws Applicable to an ArbitrationSubstantive Law of the ContractLaw of the Arbitration AgreementLex ArbitriChapter 5: Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings in IndiaFast Track ProcedureWritten SubmissionsCollection of EvidenceHearings and Proceedings after the HearingsChapter 6: Interim MeasuresPower of an Arbitral Tribunal to Order Interim MeasuresPower of a Court to Order Interim MeasuresChapter 7: Arbitral AwardsType of AwardsForm Requirements of Arbitral AwardsSetting Aside Arbitral Award
Arbitration Act NotesChapter 1: Arbitration AgreementEssential Elements of Arbitration AgreementForms of Arbitration AgreementTypes of Arbitration AgreementThird Parties to Arbitration AgreementChapter 2: Establishment of Arbitral TribunalAppointment of ArbitratorsDisclosures, Challenges, and IneligibilityChapter 3: Jurisdiction of the Arbitral TribunalCompetence-CompetenceChapter 4: Laws Applicable to an ArbitrationSubstantive Law of the ContractLaw of the Arbitration AgreementLex ArbitriChapter 5: Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings in IndiaFast Track ProcedureWritten SubmissionsCollection of EvidenceHearings and Proceedings after the HearingsChapter 6: Interim MeasuresPower of an Arbitral Tribunal to Order Interim MeasuresPower of a Court to Order Interim MeasuresChapter 7: Arbitral AwardsType of AwardsForm Requirements of Arbitral AwardsSetting Aside Arbitral Award