Code Of Civil ProcedureDe Facto May 31, 20241 min readChapter 1:Introduction to CPCImportant Definitions Chapter 2: Jurisdiction of CourtsJurisdiction of Civil Courts: Type and MeaningSuit of Civil NatureRes Sub JudiceRes Judicata Chapter 3: Foreign JudgementForeign Judgement: Nature and ScopeForeign Judgement When Not BindingChapter 4: Place of SuingPlace of SuingObjection as to JurisdictionChapter 5: Transfer of CasesFramework for Transfer of SuitsGrounds of TransferChapter 6: Parties to the SuitJoinder and Non-Joinder of PartiesStriking, Adding or Substituting PartiesRepresentative SuitChapter 7: PleadingsRules of PleadingsAmendment of PleadingsChapter 8: PlaintMeaning and Particulars of PlaintReturn of PlaintRejection of PlaintChapter 9: SummonsService of Summons : Forms, ModesChapter 10: Written StatementMeaning and Particulars of Written StatementSet-OffCounterclaimChapter 11: Appearance and Non-Appearance of PartiesGeneral RulesEx parte DecreeChapter 12: Discovery, Inspection and Production of DocumentsDiscovery and InterrogatoriesDiscovery of DocumentsAdmissionsChapter 13: Interim OrdersCommissionsArrest and Attachment before JudgementTemporary InjunctionReceiverChapter 14: Withdrawal and CompromiseWithdrawal of SuitCompromise of SuitChapter 15: Special SuitsSuit by or against GovernmentSuit by or against MinorsSuit by Indigent PersonInterpleader SuitSummary SuitChapter 16: Appeals under Code of Civil ProcedureFirst AppealSecond AppealPowers of Appellate Court
Chapter 1:Introduction to CPCImportant Definitions Chapter 2: Jurisdiction of CourtsJurisdiction of Civil Courts: Type and MeaningSuit of Civil NatureRes Sub JudiceRes Judicata Chapter 3: Foreign JudgementForeign Judgement: Nature and ScopeForeign Judgement When Not BindingChapter 4: Place of SuingPlace of SuingObjection as to JurisdictionChapter 5: Transfer of CasesFramework for Transfer of SuitsGrounds of TransferChapter 6: Parties to the SuitJoinder and Non-Joinder of PartiesStriking, Adding or Substituting PartiesRepresentative SuitChapter 7: PleadingsRules of PleadingsAmendment of PleadingsChapter 8: PlaintMeaning and Particulars of PlaintReturn of PlaintRejection of PlaintChapter 9: SummonsService of Summons : Forms, ModesChapter 10: Written StatementMeaning and Particulars of Written StatementSet-OffCounterclaimChapter 11: Appearance and Non-Appearance of PartiesGeneral RulesEx parte DecreeChapter 12: Discovery, Inspection and Production of DocumentsDiscovery and InterrogatoriesDiscovery of DocumentsAdmissionsChapter 13: Interim OrdersCommissionsArrest and Attachment before JudgementTemporary InjunctionReceiverChapter 14: Withdrawal and CompromiseWithdrawal of SuitCompromise of SuitChapter 15: Special SuitsSuit by or against GovernmentSuit by or against MinorsSuit by Indigent PersonInterpleader SuitSummary SuitChapter 16: Appeals under Code of Civil ProcedureFirst AppealSecond AppealPowers of Appellate Court