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Dissolution and Reconstitution

Writer: De Facto De Facto

Dissolution and Reconstitution
Dissolution and Reconstitution


Meaning of Dissolution of a Partnership Firm

According to Section 39, dissolution of a partnership firm signifies the termination of the legal relationship among all partners. Essentially, it denotes the cessation of the partnership's legal bond among its partners.


Distinction between Dissolution and Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm

Dissolution and reconstitution of a partnership firm are distinctly different processes:

  1. Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm: Occurs when a partner retires, dies, or becomes insolvent, requiring the firm to be reconstituted with the remaining partners. However, even in such circumstances, the firm may continue if specified in the partnership deed. 

Nevertheless, reconstitution is inevitable. Essentially, the emergence of a new partnership, known as the reconstituted firm, takes place. This can also occur when a new partner is admitted to an existing partnership.

  1. Dissolution of a Partnership Firm: Involves complete severance or discontinuation of the relationship among partners. Unlike reconstitution, dissolution marks the end of the firm's existence as a legal entity, resulting in the termination of the partnership's legal bond among its partners.


(a) Ravi, Rajesh, and Mohan have established a partnership firm named Jayalakshmi & Sons. Unfortunately, Ravi decides to retire, or he passes away, or faces insolvency. However, the partnership agreement allows the firm to continue in such circumstances. 

In this scenario, the firm, now comprising Rajesh and Mohan, will be termed a reconstituted firm. The dynamic between Rajesh and Mohan will differ from the original partnership that included Ravi, Rajesh, and Mohan.

(b) Ravi, Rajesh, and Mohan have formed a partnership firm named Jayalakshmi & Sons. After some time, Jagdish is admitted as a new partner in the firm. Again, the relationship among Ravi, Rajesh, Mohan, and Jagdish will differ from the original partnership among Ravi, Rajesh, and Mohan. In this case as well, the firm, with Ravi, Rajesh, Mohan, and Jagdish as partners, will be labelled a reconstituted firm.



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