Domestic Violence Act NotesDe Facto Jun 1, 20241 min readDomestic Violence Act NotesChapter 1: Understanding Domestic ViolenceDefinition of Domestic ViolenceConstitutional PerspectiveChapter 2: Procedures and Types of AbuseComplaint under DV ActKinds of AbusesChapter 3: Support Systems in Domestic ViolenceProtection OfficersService ProvidersChapter 4: Relief Mechanisms in Domestic Violence CasesProcedure for obtaining ReliefsOrder and Relief
Domestic Violence Act NotesChapter 1: Understanding Domestic ViolenceDefinition of Domestic ViolenceConstitutional PerspectiveChapter 2: Procedures and Types of AbuseComplaint under DV ActKinds of AbusesChapter 3: Support Systems in Domestic ViolenceProtection OfficersService ProvidersChapter 4: Relief Mechanisms in Domestic Violence CasesProcedure for obtaining ReliefsOrder and Relief