Evidence Act De Facto May 31, 20241 min readEvidence Act Chapter 1: IntroductionImportant DefinitionsChapter 2: RelevancyRes GestaeMotive, Preparation and ConductTest Identification ParadeAlibiChapter 3: Admissions and ConfessionsAdmissionsConfessions and Their RelevanceDiscovery StatementChapter 4: Other Relevant FactsDying DeclarationPrevious JudgementsExpert OpinionEvidence of CharacterChapter 5: Exclusion of Oral Evidence by Documentary EvidenceWritten Proof(S 91 and 92)Latent and Patent AmbiguityChapter 6: Burden of ProofBasic Rules as to Burden of ProofLast Seen Together TheoryPresumption as to LegitimacyChapter 7: EstoppelEstoppel and its TypesChapter 8: Examination and WitnessesWitness TestimonyPrivileged CommunicationsAccompliceLeading QuestionsQuestions to Test VeracityJudge's Power to Put Questions or Order Production
Evidence Act Chapter 1: IntroductionImportant DefinitionsChapter 2: RelevancyRes GestaeMotive, Preparation and ConductTest Identification ParadeAlibiChapter 3: Admissions and ConfessionsAdmissionsConfessions and Their RelevanceDiscovery StatementChapter 4: Other Relevant FactsDying DeclarationPrevious JudgementsExpert OpinionEvidence of CharacterChapter 5: Exclusion of Oral Evidence by Documentary EvidenceWritten Proof(S 91 and 92)Latent and Patent AmbiguityChapter 6: Burden of ProofBasic Rules as to Burden of ProofLast Seen Together TheoryPresumption as to LegitimacyChapter 7: EstoppelEstoppel and its TypesChapter 8: Examination and WitnessesWitness TestimonyPrivileged CommunicationsAccompliceLeading QuestionsQuestions to Test VeracityJudge's Power to Put Questions or Order Production