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Mischief (IPC)

Writer's picture: De Facto De Facto

Updated: May 13, 2024

Mischief (IPC)
Mischief (IPC)


Section 425

Whoever with intent to cause, or knowing that he is likely to cause, wrongful loss or damage to the public or to any person, causes the destruction of any property, or any such change in any property or in the situation thereof as destroys or diminishes its value or utility, or affects it injuriously, commits "mischief".

Meaning and Concept

Section 425 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) provides a legal framework for addressing acts of mischief, which involve intentional actions leading to destruction or damage to property.

These actions diminish the value and utility of the affected property, resulting in unwarranted loss or harm to either the public or specific individuals. The provision is applicable when the perpetrator knowingly engages in activities likely to cause harm to the property.

In essence, mischief, as defined in the IPC, encompasses a broad spectrum of behaviours aimed at depriving others of the benefits associated with their property.

This can encompass various scenarios, ranging from vandalism of public infrastructure to malicious destruction of personal belongings.

The law of mischief, as delineated in the IPC, serves as a protective mechanism against property-related offences that lead to unjustified loss or damage to the affected parties. It operates in accordance with the legal principle sic utere tuo ut alienum non-laedas, which underscores the importance of utilising one's property in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights or possessions of others.

Thus, the provision seeks to maintain societal order and uphold the rights of individuals to safeguard their property from malicious interference or harm.


  • “A” intentionally sets X’s home on fire causing him wrongful loss or injury.

  • “A” a doctor deliberately prescribed wrong medicine to “B’s” cattle with an intent to cause wrongful loss or injury.

  • “C” diverts the flow of canal in such a way to prevent “B” from irrigating his field causing him loss by damage of crops.

  • “B” tears off some important business-related documents of A to cause him financial loss.

  • “A” deliberately burns off the standing crop that was jointly cultivated by “A” and “B”.

  • “B” intentionally damages a “signboard“ installed by the order of the municipality causing wrongful losses & injury.


Essential Ingredients of Mischief in IPC

  • Intention or Knowledge to Cause Wrongful Loss or Damage (mens rea): In determining whether an act constitutes mischief under the Indian Penal Code (IPC), it is crucial to establish the presence of intention or knowledge on the part of the accused regarding the potential for wrongful loss or damage. This mental state, known as mens rea, forms a fundamental aspect of the offence. The accused must either intend to cause harm or possess the knowledge that their actions will lead to damage to property or result in wrongful loss to an individual.

Importantly, the intent to cause damage or wrongful loss need not be directed specifically at the property owner. Even in cases where the target of the act is not explicitly identified, the mere intention or knowledge of causing harm is sufficient for the act to be categorised as mischief under the IPC.

For instance, during communal disturbances where individuals engage in wanton destruction of property without regard for ownership, such actions fall within the ambit of mischief as defined by the IPC.

However, it is essential to note that not all acts resulting in damage or loss automatically qualify as mischief under the IPC. In the case of Krishna Gopal Singh And Ors. vs the State Of U.P., it was elucidated that the offence of mischief is not established if the accused did not act with the specific intention to cause wrongful loss or damage to property belonging to an individual or the public at large.

Acts performed under duress or coercion, where the accused lacks free consent, do not meet the criteria for mischief under the IPC. Thus, the element of intent or knowledge to cause harm remains pivotal in determining liability for mischief under Indian law.

  • Wrongful Loss or Damage: The crux of committing mischief under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) lies in the occurrence of destruction, damage, or wrongful loss inflicted upon the public or an individual. This constitutes the actus reus, or the physical act, of the offence. The accused's intention may align with causing wrongful loss or damage to a person or their property. For instance, deliberately tearing up vital documents pertaining to property or financial matters can be considered acts of mischief. Such actions result in tangible harm or loss, thereby fulfilling the essential element of the offence under IPC.

  • Causing Destruction of Any Property or Any Change in It: Another aspect of mischief involves causing the destruction or alteration of any property. It's essential that the damage or change directly results from the alleged act. For instance, altering the content of a speech to mislead or intentionally destroying someone's belongings would squarely fall under the purview of mischief as outlined in the Indian Penal Code (IPC). In such cases, the deliberate action leads to tangible harm or alteration of property, thereby constituting mischief under the law.

  • Destroys or Diminishes Value or Utility, etc.: Additionally, mischief can encompass actions that diminish the value or utility of something. This might include activities like leaking an exam paper to undermine its integrity or intentionally misplacing crucial files and folders when they are required. Importantly, the determination of an object's utility is made from the perspective of the owner, not the accused individual.

In a notable case, Indian Oil Corporation v. NEPC India Ltd. and Ors, the defendant removed the engines from an aircraft, thereby significantly diminishing its utility and rendering it unusable.

The court ruled that the resulting damage fulfilled all the essential elements of mischief as defined by the IPC, thus establishing the commission of the mischief offence.

This case highlights how actions leading to a decrease in an object's value or usefulness can constitute mischief under the law.

Punishment for Mischief in IPC

The punishment for mischief as prescribed in Section 426 of the Indian Penal Code entails various consequences for offenders. Those convicted of committing mischief may face imprisonment for a duration of up to three months.

Alternatively, they could be subjected to a monetary fine. In certain cases, the court may opt for a combination of both imprisonment and fine as a collective penalty for the offence. This provision aims to deter individuals from engaging in acts of mischief by imposing punitive measures that reflect the severity of the offence.

Aggravated Forms of Mischief under IPC

  • Mischief causing loss or damage to property: Section 427 of the IPC delves deeper into the realm of mischief, specifically addressing cases where the damage or loss caused amounts to fifty rupees or more. In such instances, the perpetrator may face imprisonment for a period of up to two years, along with the imposition of a fine. 

  • Mischief by killing or maiming animals: Sections 428 to 434 of the IPC are dedicated to addressing instances of mischief involving the harming, killing, or rendering useless of animals valued at ten rupees or more. These provisions aim to safeguard against acts of cruelty towards animals. Perpetrators found guilty under these sections may face imprisonment for a maximum of two years, a fine, or both.

It's crucial to understand that the term "animal" within this context encompasses all living creatures apart from human beings. Additionally, the term "maiming" pertains to inflicting permanent injury that impairs the functionality of a limb or other body parts.

  • Mischief by killing or maiming cattle: Section 429 of the IPC is dedicated specifically to addressing incidents involving the killing or maiming of cattle, which typically refers to animals utilised for commercial purposes. This provision delves into examining the intent and motive behind the criminal act. It presumes that the accused intended to maim or kill the cattle with the motive of inflicting wrongful loss upon the owner. 

The punishment for such offences can be severe, including imprisonment for a maximum of five years, imposition of a fine, or both.

  • Mischief by Injuring Works of Irrigation: Section 430 of the IPC is dedicated to addressing the punishment for acts that cause damage to irrigation works, rendering them useless, or wrongfully diverting them to cause mischief. This provision aims to safeguard the uninterrupted supply of water, which is vital for various commercial activities like agriculture, manufacturing, and essential needs such as drinking and storage.

The objective of this section is to prevent any disruption in the functioning of irrigation systems, which are crucial for sustaining agricultural productivity and ensuring water access for various purposes.


By deterring individuals from engaging in activities that could harm or interfere with irrigation works, the law seeks to uphold the smooth operation of these essential infrastructures. The punishment for offences under Section 430 can be severe, including imprisonment for a maximum of five years, imposition of a fine, or both.

  • Mischief by Injuring Public Road, Bridge, River, or Channel: Section 431 of the IPC specifically addresses the commission of mischief by causing damage to public infrastructure such as roads, bridges, navigable rivers, or channels. This provision aims to protect essential transportation routes and waterways from deliberate acts that render them impassable or less safe for travel or the conveyance of goods.

The underlying assumption of Section 431 is that the accused intends to cause wrongful loss to the public by destroying or diminishing the value of these vital assets. By targeting public infrastructure, the offender disrupts the smooth functioning of transportation networks, potentially endangering lives and hindering economic activities dependent on efficient connectivity.

The punishment prescribed under Section 431 reflects the gravity of such offences, with offenders liable to face imprisonment for a maximum of five years, imposition of a fine, or both. 

  • Mischief by Obstructing Public Drainage attended with damage: Section 432 of the IPC specifically focuses on individuals who engage in activities leading to inundation or obstruction of public drainage systems, thereby causing injury or damage. This provision underscores the broader concept of causing destruction of property and its implications for the general public under the ambit of mischief in IPC.

By targeting public drainage systems, offenders disrupt essential infrastructure crucial for managing water flow and preventing flooding, thereby posing risks to public safety and property. The deliberate obstruction or damage to these drainage networks can result in widespread inconvenience, property damage, and potential harm to individuals.

The punishment prescribed for such offences reflects the seriousness of the impact on public welfare and infrastructure. Offenders convicted under Section 432 may face imprisonment for a maximum of five years, a fine, or both. 

  • Mischief by Destroying a Lighthouse or Seamark: Section 432 of the IPC specifically addresses the offence of committing mischief by targeting lighthouses, seamarks, buoys, or other objects placed to guide navigators. This provision acknowledges the critical role these navigational aids play in ensuring safe passage for ships and boats, particularly in hazardous waters.

The essence of this offence lies in the intentional disruption or destruction of these navigational aids, which can have severe consequences for maritime safety. Whether through outright destruction or malicious relocation, the aim is to misguide navigators and endanger maritime traffic.

The punishment prescribed for such acts reflects the gravity of the potential consequences. Offenders convicted under Section 432 may face imprisonment for a maximum of seven years, a fine, or both. This heightened penalty underscores the significant commercial and personal losses that can result from compromising the integrity of maritime navigation systems.

  • Mischief by Destroying a Landmark fixed by public authority: Section 434 of the IPC addresses the offence of committing mischief by tampering with or relocating any landmark established under the authority of a public servant. This provision recognizes the importance of such landmarks in delineating boundaries, demarcating territories, or providing navigational aids. The essence of this offence lies in the deliberate disruption or relocation of these landmarks, thereby compromising their intended purpose or utility. Whether through intentional destruction or malicious relocation, the aim is to undermine the reliability or effectiveness of these landmarks.

The punishment prescribed for such acts reflects the seriousness of the offence. Offenders convicted under Section 434 may face imprisonment for a maximum of one year, a fine, or both. This penalty underscores the significance of preserving the integrity and reliability of landmarks established by public authorities.

  • Mischief based on the method adopted to cause damage: Sections 435 to 438 of the IPC encompass what are known as "offences of arson," which constitute aggravated forms of mischief characterised by deliberate and malicious acts of burning or charring property. These sections delineate the various circumstances and methods by which such damage can occur.

In cases where the damage caused by fire or explosive substances exceeds one hundred rupees, the perpetrator may face imprisonment for up to seven years, along with a fine. This severity of punishment reflects the gravity of intentionally causing significant destruction or loss through arson.

Furthermore, if the damage involves agricultural produce, the threshold for punishable damage is set at ten rupees or more. This provision acknowledges the specific vulnerability of agricultural assets and aims to protect farmers and their livelihoods from malicious harm.


Leading Case Laws

  1. In the case of Sippattar Singh vs. Krishna (AIR 1957 All 405), the court distinguished between the offences of theft and mischief. The case centered on the respondent's actions of cutting sugar cane from the petitioner's field and removing it. While on the surface, it may seem like a simple case of theft, the court's analysis shed light on the nuanced differences between theft and mischief under the law. The court carefully examined the nature of the act committed by the respondent. Despite the act involving the taking away of the sugar cane, the court determined that the primary intention behind the act was not to permanently deprive the petitioner of their property, which is a crucial element of theft. Instead, the respondent's actions were more aligned with causing damage or loss to the petitioner's property, thus falling within the ambit of mischief.

By delineating this distinction, the court clarified that the respondent's actions constituted mischief rather than theft. This distinction is significant as it underscores the importance of accurately categorising offences under the law based on the specific intent and nature of the act.

In this case, the court's interpretation reaffirmed the principles underlying the offence of mischief and provided clarity on its scope and application in such circumstances.

  1. In the case of Punjaji Chandrabhan v. Maroti, the Court deliberated on whether an offence of mischief, as defined under Section 425 of the IPC, occurred. The dispute arose when the complainant claimed an 'easement right' to convey water to their field through a drain passing across the accused's land. The Court's analysis focused on the nature of the alleged mischief and the tangible property involved. It concluded that since the field itself, as tangible property, was not susceptible to destruction, no wrongful loss or harm was inflicted. Consequently, the accused, being the landowner, could not be held liable under Section 425 of the IPC.

This ruling highlights the importance of considering the specific circumstances and the nature of the property involved in determining whether an act constitutes mischief under the law.

In this instance, the Court's interpretation provided clarity on the scope of mischief in cases involving intangible rights and property, such as easement rights, within the framework of the IPC.

  1. In the case of Gopi Naik vs. Somnath (1977 CrLJ 1665 Goa), the respondent accused the defendant of severing their water pipe connection, leading to wrongful loss and damage. Upon thorough examination, the Court determined that the accused was indeed culpable for the offence of mischief. This conclusion was drawn because the defendant's actions resulted in the devaluation of the property, specifically the water supply, thereby causing harm and loss to the complainant.

  2. In the case of E. In Shriram vs. Thakurdas, the complainant accused the defendant, an officer of the Municipal Corporation, of demolishing his house, alleging mischief and causing wrongful loss and damage. However, upon thorough investigation, it came to light that the construction in question was unauthorised, and the accused had taken action only after issuing proper notices.

The Bombay High Court, upon examination of the circumstances, concluded that the officer had acted within the scope of his duties by demolishing the unauthorised construction in accordance with the law. Consequently, the court ruled that the defendant's actions did not amount to an offence under Section 425 of the IPC.

In the case of Arjuna vs. State (AIR 1969 Ori 200), the court pronounced the accused guilty of damaging the standing crops cultivated by the complainant on government land. This act resulted in wrongful loss to the government, as it diminished the value of the land.


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