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Rehabilitation and Social Integration

Writer: De Facto De Facto

Rehabilitation and Social Integration
Rehabilitation and Social Integration


Section 39: Process of rehabilitation and social re-integration

  • The rehabilitation and social reintegration of children under this Act should be based on their individual care plan, preferably focusing on family-based care. This can include restoration to their family or guardian, either with or without supervision, sponsorship, adoption, or foster care. It's essential to make every effort to keep siblings together in institutional or non-institutional care, unless it's determined to be in their best interest to be separated.

  • For children in conflict with the law, rehabilitation and social reintegration efforts are carried out in observation homes if the child is not released on bail. Alternatively, it can happen in special homes, places of safety, fit facilities, or with fit persons, as ordered by the Board.

  • Children in need of care and protection who cannot be placed in families for any reason may be housed in registered institutions or with fit persons or facilities, either temporarily or on a long-term basis. Rehabilitation and social integration efforts are undertaken wherever the child is placed.

  • Children in need of care and protection leaving institutional care, or children in conflict with the law leaving special homes or places of safety upon reaching eighteen years of age, may receive financial support as specified in Section 46. This support aims to assist them in reintegrating into mainstream society.


Section 40: Restoration of child in need of care and protection

  • The primary goal of any Children’s Home, Specialised Adoption Agency, or open shelter should be the restoration and protection of a child.

  • These facilities, whether a Children’s Home, Specialised Adoption Agency, or open shelter, must take all necessary steps to restore and protect a child who has been deprived of their family environment, whether temporarily or permanently, while under their care and protection.

  • The Committee has the authority to restore any child in need of care and protection to their parents, guardian, or fit person, after assessing the suitability of the parents, guardian, or fit person to care for the child, and providing them with appropriate directions.

Explanation: For the purposes of this section, "restoration and protection of a child" means restoring the child to their parents, adoptive parents, foster parents, guardian, or fit person.

The Committee is required to submit a quarterly report regarding restored, deceased, and runaway children to the State Government and the District Magistrate in the prescribed format.



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